Inka Cuentos

William Guillen Padilla

Mesa Redonda Editorial


Traditional tale

ISBN : 978-612-4300-31-8

Book written in Spanish
World rights available 

Inka Cuentos by William Guillén Padilla is a direct message: “The Incas are still here!” When you finish reading this beautiful book, you realize why you are like this, where that divine quality that every Peruvian has comes from: culture through their bloodstream. This book is so good, that when you read it you don’t want it to end, but later you understand that, of beauty, of greatness, one can also get sick, and one can leave reality for full. We understand that all good things come to an end. Guillén Padilla presents his “Inka Tales”, a book that we will all enjoy as a wonderful trip, where each stop will make us smile with happiness.

William Guillen Padilla was born in the mining town of Hualgayoc. He graduated as an engineer with a thesis related to the pre-Hispanic Cumbemayo channel. He has obtained prizes and distinctions in poetry, short story, novel and mini-fiction. A constant traveler, he writes, promotes culture, works in publishing and engineering projects, and is passionate about the pre-Hispanic cultures of ancient Peru.

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