El hombre mandíbula di fierro
Gilles Colleu
Lom Ediciones
Children’s book
Translated from French to Spanish by Nicolás Slachevsky, illustrations by Sol Undurraga.
This is the story of a boy who loves books and has a father with a powerful jaw. His jaw was so, so strong, that with it he was able to lift different objects, and some of them were really very heavy. And that is not all: this child reader, who is the star of each show, will climb on these objects, although later he will return to his inseparable books.
Gilles Colleu, a former student of Jean-Marie Bouvaist, taught with him at the Master de Villetaneuse. Currently, he is an associate professor in the department dedicated to the professions of the book at the IUT in Aix-en-Provence, France. Together with Jutta Hepke, he created and directs the Vents d’ailleurs editions and has been working for twenty years as adviser to publishers.